Horses for sale

Below you will find listings of our dressage and spothorses.

Dressage horses that we have trained and/or sold worldwide are to be found in Holland, England, USA, Australia, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Mexico and Canada. Whether you are interested in a decent broken, Prix St.George or a GrandPrix horse, we will always do our utmost to find the right horse for you. When you are interested in one of these sporthorses, please don't hesitate to contact us by telephone or e-mail.
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European and Dutch top quality dressage horses for sale & warmblood sporthorses for sale, FEI international horses for sale from The Netherlands, also import / export.
Tags: horses for sale, dressage horses for sale, buy horses, dutch dressage horses, Dressur, Dressur Pferde, Sportpferde, Pferd, Pferde, Pferdekauf, Dressurpferde, Dressurstall, sporthorses, warmblood horses, FEI